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This statement is worth rehashing.

As Entrepreneurs, we tend and/or are forced to be focused towards our vision & action. And there is nothing wrong with that. That’s exactly how it should be. But most of us lack the understanding or fail to build the financial blueprint & infrastructure from the get go which is extremely necessary to obtain funding as a startup or when you are ready to scale. 

Being knowledgeable about small business lending qualifications enables you to put yourself in the shoes of the lender.  

In a nutshell, lenders primarily analyze 3 things:

1. Why do you need the money?
2. Can you pay back the money?
3. How can they make you pay back the money?

Lenders will measure your ability to pay back the money you borrowed by assessing the credibility & strength of your company and you. In general, they are looking for any or all of the  “5 Cs”:

The 5 “Cs” are the basic qualification factors, determining if you can get financing at all. But your credibility will factor in and be reviewed to determine details such as amounts, terms, and rates.

  • Credit Cards
  • Credit Line
  • A/R Financing
  • Revenue Based Lending
  • Equipment Financing
  • Term Loans
  • SBA Loans

TheFundOne works with a wide range of reputed & legitimate funding programs & lenders and we can assist you in two ways. 

  1. If you are ready to apply for funding, we can get you qualified and funded in less than 24 hours in some cases.
  2. If you are not ready, our 1-on-1 Personalized Consultation 360º process can get you ready to apply for funding in no time. This process helps enable the possibility of you getting the most amount of business funding at the best terms. Even when banks say “no”, we often help clients secure multiple types of credit lines and loans through different sources to maximize your access to ready-to-use capital.

Our team negotiates lender rates and terms to ensure you get the best terms possible. And, we use the volume of loans we close as the leverage to get you even better terms. Our finance team works hand-in-hand with you and directly with lenders to get your funding approved and closed quickly.

Schedule a free consultation to learn more

Create your financial blueprint and infrastructure

5940 S Rainbow Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89118, USA

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